Betrayed: Prophet Peden at Pingerrach in 1685.

When the outlawed preacher Alexander Peden was in Carrick in the summer of 1685, his presence in a house was allegedly betrayed to government forces by an informer…


‘39. After this [Peden in Wigtownshire in mid June, 1685], he was to preach at Night, at Pendarroch in Carrick; the Mistress of the House had been too open-minded to a Woman, who went and told the Enemy, and came back to that House, that she might not be suspected; Mr. Peden being in the Fields, came in Haste to the Door, and called the Mistress, and said, Ye’ve play’d a bonny Sport to your self, by being so loose-tongu’d; the Enemy is informed that I was to drop a Word this Night in this House, and the Person who has done it, is in the House just now; you’ll repent it; to Morrow Morning the Enemy will be here, and ye’ll have an ill rid-up House: Farewel, I’ll stay no longer in this Place. To Morrow Morning, both Foot and Horse were about the House.’ (Walker, BP, I, 76.)

‘Pendarroch’ is almost certainly Pingerroch, in Barr parish, Carrick, of which very little remains.

Map of Pingerroch

The mistress of the house was possibly the wife of John MacJarrow, a forfeited landholder.

The night preaching may be related in some way to the Peden’s Stone by Auchensoul Hill, which lies near Pingerrach. The stone is ‘lost’, but is perhaps awaiting rediscovery.

Peden’s preaching in Barr parish may have taken place at around the same time as the killing of the Barrhill martyrs in the same parish.

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Text © Copyright Dr Mark Jardine. All Rights Reserved. Please link to, post on Facebook or retweet this post, but do not reblog in full without the express permission of the author @drmarkjardine

~ by drmarkjardine on June 26, 2014.

6 Responses to “Betrayed: Prophet Peden at Pingerrach in 1685.”

  1. […] his life of Peden, the story below immediately follows Walker’s story of the betrayal of Peden by an informer in Barr parish in […]

  2. […] a number of stories about Alexander Peden’s presence in Carrick in 1685, such as Peden being betrayed by an informer in Barr parish and hiding in the bounds of […]

  3. […] Peden is said to have preached at night at Pingerrach in the summer of 1685. The lady of the house is said to have betrayed his presence there to the […]

  4. I was born at the Lanes farm in 1941.What I was led to believe was Pedens pulpit is not the same stone as you show .The stone is between Lanes toll and Lanes farm on the right side of the road ,about fifty yards from the roadside.

    • Hi William, fascinating information. As you head towards Lanes Farm from the toll, on which side of the road does the stone lie? Any further information about it or ewcollections of the stone are truly welcome. Regards, Mark

  5. […] reason why soldiers may have been camped in the vicinity, was that a night preaching by Alexander Peden by Pingerrach was betrayed to the authorities. Field preachings were investigated and troops sent to capture the […]

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